2017年6月5日 星期一

被殺的羔羊 The Lamb who had been slain


And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Rev 5:6


The apostle John had received the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and saw the true happenings in the spirit as well as in the material realms, concerning the things must be done in the end time, in visions. The leading character in this revelation is the one who is called Faithful and True, the coming Jesus Christ.

異象中,耶穌基督是被殺過(be slain; esphagmenon)的羔羊,有著七角七眼。是天上、地上、地底下唯一配得展開七印封嚴書卷者。祂配得,因為祂曾被殺。是故短短七節文字中,「曾被殺」出現了三次,是約翰所見(5:6)、是四活物和眾長老的新歌(5:7)、也是眾天使的高聲宣告(5:12)。

In the vision, Jesus Christ is the Lamb who had been slain (esphagmenon, in Greek), with seven horns and with seven eyes. He is the only one who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals in heaven or on earth or under the earth. He is worthy to open the scroll because he was once been slain. Thus, the term “slain” appeared three times within seven verses, i.e. what John had sawn (5:6), the new song sang by the four living creatures and elders (5:7) and claimed with a loud voice by angels (5:12), to emphasis the importance of “slain”.


Whereas John saw not only the Lamb who had been slain, but Satan who was against God since the beginning, the false and liar, and the ancient snake and dragon, who was predetermined to be destroyed. In appearance, Satan tried every method to be like the Lamb. Thus, the Lamb was with seven horns and the beast wanted to be with ten horns also (13:1), in which the beast displayed its enormous ambition and arrogance: I can be like God and even more!


The Lamb was once been “slain” and the beast also wanted to be “wounded/slain (esphagmenon, the same Greek used in 5:6)”. Furthermore, the beast wanted to be more perfect than the lamb, which it made the “wound/slain” healed. Therefore the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast (13:3).


People on earth were confused by the appearances of the Lamb and beast and couldn’t differentiate from true and false. Who is true? The Lamb who has been slain or the beast who was slain but healed? The Lamb with seven horns or the beast with ten horns? In contrast, the fact in the spirit realm was clear: The Lamb was truly slain, while the beast only pretended to be slain. The Lamb was truly with seven horns, while the ten horns of the beast is an imitation.


Still, people on earth cannot understand and thought the “slain but healed” beast was now intact and beautiful and with the authority of “ten horns”. They chose to follow and worship it and to make war on the saints and to conquer them. As it was written “If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.” (13:10)


They who killed thought they were following the Truth, having the authority, but instead of falling into falsehood. In fact, following Faithful and True was not killing but be killed. Not holding the power of ten horns, but triumph over it with the seemingly weaker seven horns, i.e. overcome evil with good. (Rom 12:21)


Therefore the beast cannot ever defeat the Lamb, which the beast only pretended to be like God and was dependent solely on its power try to overcome God. The beast never understood why Jesus defeated me (Jesus was slain by me, which shouldn’t approve I was above him)? Why my perfect, intact and beautiful “slain but healed” image cannot triumph over Jesus with nails hanging on the cross?


Yes, you will never understand as well as those who follow you. But those who follow Jesus understand. They no longer pretended to be like Jesus or imitated having the authority of God, rather covering with wounds, been considered as scum of the world (1Cor4:13) and finally been killed (cf. Act 12:2).


Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” In this end time, may the churches of Jesus Christ never doubt but follow Faithful and True, who has all authorities but emptied himself and left the throne (Phi 2:5-8), been killed and humbly dead, who is the Lamb with wounds and had been slain, My Lord and my God!

